Mission Statement
Our team extends a passion to HELP so a Mom (or family) can see beyond their circumstances. OPPORTUNITY Ignites the heart and mind to discover gifts hidden beneath possible past patterns or circumstantial situations. PROSPERITY Comes in many facets with the healing of old mindsets and putting long-term plans into action. ENCOURAGEMENT Solidifies hope for change that once seemed impossible to obtain. We believe in the power of prayer for our families and have seen amazing results when all we could do was pray.
We welcome every walk of life and do not exclude race, religious beliefs, or ethnicity.
Mission Convictions for Partnerships-Where do your donation go?
- No child should go without new school clothes or be excluded from activities and dreams due to lack of family funds.
- No single mom should have to pay thousands of dollars in attorney fees to obtain child support.
- No single woman, mom, or dad should go without proper dental care and have missing teeth due to lack of insurance.
- No family should have to exchange groceries for car repairs or unexpected expenses.
- No hard-working family should be excluded from owning a home due to high housing costs, especially with all the grants and programs available.
- We offer negotiations for unjust situations, fee’s and charges for individuals who are being taken for granted and degraded, people who do not know how to fight for their rights. And are often bullied by a Landlord, Employer, or within other entities.
- Help to break free from Domestic Violence. Many women stay in abusive situations because they have no one to help them. We will do everything we can to support and and walk along side our families during this extremely difficult and sometimes dangerous process.